hosted and introduced by Travelife


We are pleased to announce a workshop titled GREEN HOSPITALITY, which will be hosted by our event partner Travelife. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, on 28th September 2016, from 11.00 - 12.00 a.m. Travelife will host a ‘green hospitality’ workshop in which certified hotels will share their sustainability experiences.


Moderator: Nicole Sautter, Travelife Executive
Travelife technical representative: Sören Stöber, Travelife Commercial Director
Hotel representative: Mr Nikola Tokic, Corporate Chief Engineer of Sensimar Kalamota Island Resort & Sensimar Adriatic Beach Resort in Croatia
Hotel representative: Ms Ursa Malovrh, Hotel Manager of Hotel Park, Ljubljana, Slovenia


1) Welcome and introduction to Travelife benefits & Travelife checklist
2) Travelife Gold certified hotels present their sustainability initiatives and achievements
3) Open panel discussion with hotel representatives and Travelife technical representative on key challenges and solutions when implementing sustainability into hotel business operations
4) Questions
