The Global Green Destinations Day offers media partners a wide range of opportunities to access a unique global network of thinkers and leaders in the field of green business solutions and green tourism within the largest green destinations community in the world!
For the first time destination leaders from all over the world, award winning green destinations, representatives of sustainable hospitality and providers of green business solutions, will be gathering in Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016, to make new connections, build strategic partnerships and join international networks aiming to promote a brighter and more sustainable future in travel and tourism.
Why become a media partner
Media partnership gives you the unique opportunity to access a global network of thinkers and leaders in the field of green business solutions and green tourism, talk to key industry specialists within business, academic and government bodies and offer relevant news and editorial content to your audiences.
Media partners of the Global Green Destinations Day can provide media coverage of the event in various ways:
Media partner benefits
If you would like to become a media partner, please contact