We are happy to announce Luigi Cabrini as a keynote speaker at the Global Green Destinations Day. Mr Cabrini is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and an Advisor to the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). His keynote, on Tuesday 27th September 2016, will be: Looking forward to 2017: the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
Tourism is increasingly recognized as a sector that contributes to sustainable development and poverty alleviation, and whose potential has been acknowledged by the United Nations in the “Future we want” roadmap adopted at Rio+20, in the Sustainable Development Goals, and through the recent declaration of 2017 as the IYSTD.
The IY17 will be an opportunity to raise awareness and mobilize change toward: - Inclusive and sustainable economic growth - Social inclusiveness, employment and poverty reduction - Resource efficiency, environmental protection and climate change - Cultural values, diversity and heritage - Mutual understanding, peace and security.
The presentation includes an overview of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, the body that establishes and manages standards for sustainable tourism. GSTC will contribute to the IY2017 activities.