We proudly present our event partner - Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable development. Umanotera is Slovenian non-governmental, nonprofit organization, active in the fields of environmental protection and sustainable development and pursues the vision of transformation of Slovenia to a sustainable society.
By participating in the development of national policies and strategic documents, and encouraging the transfer of sustainable development principles into the way of life, the organization strive for the establishment of equilibrium between man and the environment. Umanotera’s core values pertain to global awareness, cooperation, and freedom to decide and act.
Through the policy work, strategic networking, communication and awareness raising campaigns, and systematic development of good practices, Umanotera operate in accordance with the principles that they advocate.
For organization, the decision to adopt 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, comes at the time which is at the global level very important also for the climate, and at the EU level for circular economy policies. It is expected to provide additional motivation for tourism sector’s active role in aspiring to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, fostering climate resilience, and preserving precious and increasingly scarce planetary resources.
For Umanotera, GGDD will be an excellent opportunity to meet inspiring good practices of green destinations and providers, and also to present Slovenian success stories, which have already demonstrated numerous synergistic effects: employment opportunities, innovative solutions and development opportunities, protection of the environment and human health, reduced costs and increased revenues, as well as increased quality of life. GGDD will be an opportunity to learn about state-of-the art sustainable tourism solutions and exchange valuable international experiences.
On the GGDD conference, Umanotera will host a workshop titled; Tourism and environment, which will be held on Wednesday, on 28th September 2016, from 11.00 - 12.00 a.m. and moderated by Renata Karba. Further details of the workshop can be found below:
In many of its aspects – most notably energy and water consumption, waste generation and the adverse impact on the nature – tourism can be environmentally harmful. Nevertheless, due to its ability to generate, integrate and multiply sustainable circular economy practices in the fields of mobility, food supply, building and waste management, tourism also holds great potential for contribution towards development of green economy and sustainable society. At the »Environment« workshop we will discuss both sides of the tourism-environment relationship: tourism as a promoter of environmental sustainability and preserved environment as a driver for the tourism sector.
Karmen Mentil, Alpine Pearls (Austria): Alpine Pearls – Soft mobility in Werfenweng, Petra Zlatoper, Terme Snovik (Slovenia): Eco Spa Snovik – Energy efficiency, renewable energy, Erika Oblak, Ecologists without Borders (Slovenia): Zero Waste Tourism, Joao Melo, Cascais (Portugal): Cresmina Dune Interpretation Center – How to integrate nature conservation with tourism, Malin Hoyme, Madidi National Park (Bolivia): How ecotourism benefits environment, economy and socio-cultural life, Tanja Augustinović, Kvarner Region Tourist Board (Croatia): Gorski kotar Bike Tour, Umanotera Team: Identifying and discussing success factors of presented good practices with the audience.